Additionally, Bass attacks (especially his kicks), can send his enemies soaring through the air, for example he kicked Sonic hard enough that sent him flying several feet across an entire room, and easily subdue Tails. Therefore, Bass has demonstrated this power by effortlessly breaking steel handcuffs, bend metal bars, slam through walls, kick an assault rifle in half, lift up a large Wily Robot Master over his head and then throw it several meters, knock back several Wily Robot Masters, kick down a high strengthened metal doors, and pry open tightly sealed doors. Bass can easily overpower a majority of his opponents in combat. Bass was later succeeded by Zero, an advanced creation from Dr. Wily, Bass frequently rebels against his creator, usually for his own purposes. Although Bass and Mega Man are rivals, at times they team up to take down mutual enemies of the two. He was created based on a research conducted on Mega Man with the intention of surpassing his power sometime during or before the events of Mega Man 6, and made his debut in Mega Man 7.
Wily to imitate Mega Man's design, along with Treble, an imitation of Rush's design.